Monday, August 20, 2012

What is your dream car?

The one that floats in clouds and lands on dragons peels out so their scales are just shredded with little flecks and bits of dragon scale dust all up in the dragon's eyes all dusty and shit then the car just shreds some crazy stupid van halen riff and people start thinking the dragon has magical halen powers but he doesn't because it's just that car wailing away but you wouldn't know it because that dragon is so so tall. that dragon is just way too tall.

Monday, August 13, 2012

an uncomfortable
bed i, rock
rest still today
this day brought sunlight
sunlight brought one
blue-tailed boy who
eyes me of his mountain
peeks below his waist

irrelevant now
breaths held
across cemeteries
each new pair of shoes

one red-nosed
dear boy
lifts me
pushes my faces
thumbs my eyes
rolls my spine

skip               skip                         skip                                      skip                                              skip

Sunday, August 5, 2012

if you allow me 
to kiss 
you, beware

and do not 
give me your lip
or (your eyelid)

i will pierce your
skin where it
is the thinnest
on your body

and let this 
venom that is love
this poison that is passion
this drug that is life 

soak into your 
veins and 
(your blood)

you will feel
alive. even when
you are without me
i rub this ash to
my skin
burns me into
a sarcophagus
fourtrillion flecks- dust
i used to have bones
i used to have flesh
i used to breathe.
i loved
i took for granted.
i heard pictures
i used to think
i held footing
where rare humans
where many have walked.
look at me now.    again.
washtch me
i am just the dirt
the over priced acre
the under the table
scrap for dogs
i am unseen molecules
no you are not blind
no you are not
only remnants,
seperated pieces
i can no longer be
within your arms
reach you cannot
let go-
memories of that fork
in the road scraping
against my teeth
when we ate
your sister's casserole

Saturday, August 4, 2012

i                h              l
              n          t   e 
                        d    s      f  
                t        n   t   i    
                    h      a   
                        e     s
                           w  r      
                              a  u
                    b e    i
                 i                        s

          h                   s         
             e        c                  s
                  r      d r     h    e
                 m                d

                        y  c
                      her  es

in the wind 
she dances, 
and the stars 
accompany Her
whose dress is 
Dear Santa,

It appears as though my letter has been mixed up with that 
of another child. Please take back these two front teeth,

and return to me the bicycle i did ask for.